The AP Images Collection database captures the greatest events in history and brings them to life with photographs, audio sound bites, graphics and text. *
With Auto Repair Source discover the most accurate, authoritative and up-to-date service and repair information for thousands of domestic and imported vehicles.
BookFlix® is a digital literacy resource that pairs more than 120 animated stories with a best-selling nonfiction eBook on a similar subject. The pairings are designed to strengthen early literacy skills while exposing young learners to real-world concepts. *
Ebsco eBooks allows you to select from over 16,000 eBooks from the world’s leading publishers across all major subject areas. Perform full-text searches of a single eBook, search thousands of volumes simultaneously, browse topic categories, or read eBooks directly online.*
Gale’s PowerSearch allows you to search all the Gale databases at once. Discover a collection of authoritative periodicals, scholarly journals, newspapers, and reference content *
POWER Library e-resources provide access to thousands of full-text periodical articles, newspapers, a major encyclopedia, photographs, pictures, charts, maps, and reference material for Pennsylvanians of all ages.*
POWER Teens provides online resources including full-text research e-resources, collections of photographs and documents, the statewide catalog of materials held in libraries throughout Pennsylvania, and Chat with a Librarian.*
Britannica School PreK - 5th is a comprehensive source of informational text for younger learners pre-K to grade 5. It includes encyclopedia articles, images, videos, and magazine articles. There is a Britannica Fundamentals section for children Pre-K through grade 2. Tools such as a world atlas, virtual tours, country comparison, etc., allow learners to explore geography and animal kingdom topics. A Britannica Fundamentals provides materials for...
Whether you’re a true language learning beginner, dusting off your old high school Spanish, or eager to tackle your tenth language—Transparent Language Online will help you get started and stick with it.
This multilingual family history research database includes billions of historical documents from 48 countries, millions of historical photos, public records, indexes, and additional resources that span the past five centuries.